About The Video

This video was shot with an iPhone 4S & edited in Final Cut. It was completed in just over 24 hours, approximately 144 hours after the deadline for MVRSF.

About The Band

Mist Giant is an indie electro post-rock band from San Francisco. The sound conjured up by this three-piece strikes a balance between accessible indie pop and experimental sonic exploration. Analog and digital textures frequently coexist, rubbing against each other and creating soundscapes at once familiar and alien. At times the music is dark and droning, at times it’s triumphant and soaring, but no matter what tone the composition may take the result is always organic and engaging.About The Video

About The Filmmaker

Sean Kelley is from Northern California. His previous work includes many things he desires no association with. He enjoys video games.

Mist Giant


Directed by

Sexy Hands

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